Severe Weather in the Plains

October 09, 2011

Back in Operation

I am deeply sorry about what has happened over the past month, as I have been extremely busy with school work.  However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  It appears that I won't be able to post this Tuesday, but from then on out I will be fine.  Thus, we are back in operation!  We have many things to talk about obviously, as the weather pattern is currently in the transition period between Summer and Winter.  Over the past week it has been pretty warm across my region because of a ridge that has decided to park itself in the center of the country.  Lucky for me, though, a disturbance is moving through which should finally bring some rain into the area this coming week.  We'll have more on that later.  Next week, the National Weather Service is thinking that highs in far Northern Illinois will struggle to reach the mid-50s!  And that is average temperatures for this time of year.  I look forward to having an excellent fall and winter season here, so stay tuned!

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